Monday, March 7, 2011

Good Reads

I'm ending this edition of Reading Week with a round-up of good reads! I have trouble picking just one "favorite" of most things, so here's a whole list instead!
I loved reading as a child, but went through a period during late jr. high through most of high school of not reading for enjoyment. There were so many reading assignments in my honors English classes and I began getting a bit turned off. Thankfully, the AP English  reading list came out the summer before my senior year and we actually got to choose some of our own books! I chose Pride And Prejudice and loved it! In fact, I couldn't put it down!
I adore this entire series! Before having Big Brother, I had been known to get the book the day it came out and pretty much read non-stop! My husband and I would even read them out load to each other on car trips! :) Once the little guys are older, I hope to have family Harry Potter story time! 
This book is precious! We bought a copy for each of our boys for their first Valentine's Day present.
I have a thing for hippos and remember getting this book when I was much younger. And, although we love many of the Sandra Boynton books, the hippos remain a favorite!
This was the last book I read "just for fun" and really liked it!

With two little guys in the house, I find myself wanting to seek out all kinds of information on parenting boys. So, I'm currently reading this one. And, so far, it's really good!
Not too long after Big Brother was born, I saw Randy Pausch's story and watched his Last Lecture. So inspiring and so true! His book is fantastic and I highly recommend it if you haven't read it yet!

Do you love any of these too? What are some of your favorite reads?


  1. Pride and Prejudice is easily one of my most favorite books ever, but then again, I'm really a sucker for any romantic story with a happy ending. :) For the kiddos, I love all books by Kevin Henkes. The man is a genius!

  2. Fun to know I'm in good company with my love for Pride and Prejudice! :) We've never read anything by Kevin Henkes (at least, I don't think so anyway). Will definitely have to check his books out! Thanks!

  3. I LOVE Pride and Prejudice. Followed closely by Vanity Fair and Nabokov's Lolita. Everyone's too busy being shocked to give Lolita a chance, but I adore his writing style and insight.

  4. I haven't read Pride and prejudice, but it's one of my "next victim", hehe...Anyways, I love reading the Harry Potter Series (I'm kinda addicted to it!) :D

  5. I need to add the "I love you through and through" to our book wish list! And I think I may need to add Pride and Prejudice to mine.

    Our favorite reads are Goodnight moon, On the night you were born, and The World of Pooh. :)



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