Friday, February 25, 2011

Using StumbleUpon?

Have you heard of StumbleUpon? Do you "stumble"?
I admit that I'd seen this little icon in places and heard things here & there, but really didn't have much of an idea what it was. That all changed a couple of weeks ago & I love it!!
How many times have you read about a product, idea, or tutorial on a site and wanted to remember it? I think it happens to me almost daily. Before StumbleUpon (SU) I was bookmarking things, cut & pasting into documents, emailing, etc.  But, now, I have my favorites list on SU that I can access anytime/anywhere! And, the added bonus is that it gives those pages that I like on SU a pageview boost! A win-win situation for all!

If you're not already stumbling, I definitely recommend you sign up. If you're new to Stumble Upon, you should check out TidyMom's article on Crafterminds! It's full of great tips!
If you're interested, you can follow my stumbles here: Let me know your link & I'll be sure to follow you too! Also, at the bottom of each Mom Endeavors post, I've added a SU share button in addition to the standard facebook/twitter ones. If you like a post, I would LOVE it if you would click that button to stumble it.
And, if you're a fellow blogger and would like to add the SU button to your posts, this tutorial was what I used. It's pretty straight forward, though I did add the code farther down than it said.
Now, get out there and stumble upon something cool! :)


  1. I've never heard of this. I'll have to check it out. I really like the clean look of your blog. Of course, my fav color is yellow!


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