Ok, so did you know that there are "eCoupons"? These are coupons that you can load right to your store cards and they will automatically come off when your card is scanned & you purchase those specified products. There are three sites that do them that I use: Shortcuts, Cellfire, and P&G. Plus, some grocery chains have their own coupons (like here, Safeway & Fry's both have them). So, I periodically go through and load any coupons I think I might possibly use. And, if possible, I try to always check out the ones on my Safeway & Fry's cards before I go.
Two things that are SUPER cool about these (aside from the fact that there is no paper to cut) is that often times multiple ecoupons will come off for the same item. For example, let's say I got a coupon for Fiber One bars off multiple sites (which really happened), then I buy one box and ALL the coupons come off. This happened on a recent Safeway trip. The box was on sale for a great price of $1.49 and 3 ecoupons for $.50 each came off as soon as my card was scanned. So, just by using ecoupons, one box of bars was free.
But, it gets better...if you have a paper coupon for the same item, you can usually still use it ("stacking" coupons)!!! So, when the deals are just right, you can actually MAKE money by using both types of coupons. Again, back to the Fiber One bars...the ecoupons made it free. But, I also had a $1.00 off paper coupon that I was still able to use. So, essentially I made $1.00 profit for purchasing a box of Fiber One Bars. Pretty cool!!
Using this method, here's what that Safeway run yielded us:
The Fiber One Bars and Fruit Roll Ups actually paid me $2.50 to purchase them :)!! So, if you count the pears as 1 item, I purchased 27 items (there are 6 cans of soup there) for a grand total of $16.97! (The total before coupons and sales should have been about....$80!!!!) My savings was 80%!!! (An average of only $.62/item)
And wait, it gets even better, because I got two catalina coupons (those are the ones that the little machine spits out with your receipt) for a total of $3.50 off my next purchase!!! Sweet!! So, less than 17 bucks out of pocket with money back to spend next time!
You should definitely check out ecoupons if you're not already using them!!
Congrats on your blog, Sara! Awesome!!! :)))))